Job Oriented Courses

Job Oriented Courses in Different Fields by JanaShikshana Sasthaan (Rangareddy Division) .

Mainly They Train in the Fields of

Computer Applications,MSOffice,C,C++,Java,Computer Hardware,Machine Embroidary,Dress Making ,Designing and Embroidary,Candle Making,Vaseline Making,Pain balm Making,Saree Rolling,Detergent Making,Cleaning Powder,Liquidsoap Making,Pickles Making .etc........

Intersted Candidates may apply application below 10th August .

To Know Application and Selection Procedure Contact
Jana Shikshana Sasthaan,NampallyStation Road.

Contact NO:- 040-24654930.

herefor:-hyderabad jobs,hyd jobs,job oriented courses,Job oriented Courses

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