Mahindra Satyam Hiring BE/BTech Freshers(2008 & 2009) Passouts

Mahindra Satyam is having Openings for freshers and is Hiring Entry Level Associates. The Company is hiring Engineering graduates by conducting walkins in major cities of the country for these hirings.

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Candidate should be a BE/ Btech (CS / IT / EEE / E&C) / MCA / B.Sc / BCA with Consistent first Class
  • Correspondence / Distance education programs are not being considered

Selection Procedure :

The selection of the Candidates will be through Walk-in Tests-cum-interviews which will be held in all major cities during January 2010.

Application Procedure :

Interested Candidates have to send their resumes (in excel sheet given as below format to) :


  1. Referee GID (MSAT GID )
  2. Name
  3. Education
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Branch
  6. College
  7. University
  8. Year Of Passout
  9. Percentage
  10. Addr1
  11. Addr2
  12. Addr3
  13. City
  14. Phone
  15. Email – ID
  16. Location for interview

As SAMPLE given below (Total 16 fields):


For More details please click on the Image:

satyam mahindra

Tags:software jobs,it jobs,jobs,mahindra satyam,jobs in mahindra satyam
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