21 Nov 09,Walk-In at HCL-Developer Jobs

Walk-in on 21st Nov 2009 : HCL requires Core Java/J2EE Developers

HCL Technologies requires Core Java/J2EE Developers at Bangalore. Looking for candidates who have experience in Core java, Development and have good communication skills.

Job Summary:

Company Name: HCL Technologies
Location: Bangalore
Experience required: 4 - 6 years
Key Skills: Core java/j2ee Development
Education Qualifications: MCA, B.E/B.Tech
Role: Software Engineer/ Programmer

Date and Timings: 9.30 AM to 3PM
Saturday, 21st, November, 2009

HCL Technologies Ltd
The Senate
Ulsoor Road,

Source Link

herefor:-hcl jobs, jobs in hcl, walk-ins, Core Java Developer Jobs, Bengaluru jobs, Bangalore jobs,softwarejobs,softwares,java developer posts

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